Purpose: |
The SHIELD 1.1 power cord is designed with power and performance in mind. It is a true performer capable of handling Large Power Amplifiers, Powered Sub woofers, Analog Preamplifier's and Power Conditioners.
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Construction: |
With its European [German] origin SHIELD 1.1 Power Cord is made of plain ectrolytic fine copper wire strands. It has galvanized steel wire braid and transparent PVC outer sheath. Despite of its rigid construction it has retained the flexibility and ease of installation that offers a high degree of mechanical protection therefore extending the service life of a cable. Approx. outside diameter is 12.6 mm. SHIELD1 is a 14 AWG (50/30) three wire 2.50 mm˛ power cable capable of withstanding Voltage up to 750V.
Termination: |
Top quality High-End performance Marinco IEC320IEC/8215 hospital grade plugs [black].
Length: |
Standard length is 6ft. Optional Lengths are available upon request.
Burn in period: |
1 Hour
Waranty: |
2 Years
AudioLimits Canada
Last Updated Oct 14 2007